has created 3 spring calculators that were designed for simplicity and efficiency. These three calculators can
design extension springs, helical springs, and torsion springs. We have made
spring calculation quick and easy. Click on one of our 3 calculators (the torsion spring calculator,
extension spring calculator or the compression spring calculator) and begin your spring design.
The first of our calculators is the compression springs calculator. If you are designing a compression spring, coil spring,
or helical spring this calculator is the one you will need. Most spring compression calculators are tricky and do not provide
you with all of the design considerations you will need. Our coil compression springs calculator only requires 4 inputs to
compute your compression spring design. The calculator gives you 19 outputs, which will be everything an engineer needs to
manufacture your coil springs, including the spring rate and the spring constant. The only thing you need to know before using
our spring calculator is how to measure a compression spring. You will need to know how to measure the outer diameter of the
coil springs, the free length, and the wire diameter of your coil springs. You will also need to know how many active coils
are in your spring. If you have any questions on how to measure a compression spring please watch our “How To Measure a
Compression Spring” video at the top of the compression spring calculator page. If you would like to do a compression spring
calculation using compression spring formulas please visit our compression springs technical article.
Our second calculator is the extension spring calculator. If you are designing a tension spring our calculator is
the easiest and most effective way to do it. To begin your extension spring design you will need to know how to measure
an extension spring. Please watch our “How To Measure an Extension Spring” video at the top of the extension spring calculator page.
Designing your tension springs requires that you know only 3 inputs and what type of hooks are on your extension springs.
After those values have been inputted the calculator will give you 18 outputs, which will be everything an engineer will need
to manufacture your spring. Calculating spring constant or a spring rate calculation by simply using the extension spring
formulas can be very difficult. However, if you would like to use the extension spring formulas please visit our extension springs technical article.
The last of our calculators is the torsion spring calculator. Other torsion spring calculators on the web are confusing
and hard to work with. Our torsion spring calculator is simple and efficient for calculating your torsion springs design.
In order to use our calculator you will need to know how to measure torsion springs. If you do not know how to measure a
torsion spring or you need an example of a torsion spring please watch our “How to Measure a Torsion Spring” video at the top of
the torsion spring calculator page. In order to calculate your torsion springs you will only need 3 inputs. You will also need
to know what type of wire you want your torsion spring made out of, for example you may need a stainless steel torsion spring.
The calculator will then give you 13 outputs, which will be everything an engineer needs to manufacture your torsion springs.
When calculating spiral torsion springs by hand or doing any type of spring constant physics you will need the torsion springs formula.
These can be found in our torsion springs technical article along with a great explanation of torsion springs.
Please click on the calculator you would like to begin using and input your values. Again if you have any questions on how
to measure your spring, please watch the videos at the top of this page. If you are unsure how to work a particular calculator,
please watch that calculator’s how to video at the top of each page.
Easy To Use
Instant Blueprints
Automatic Loads
Fast Calculations
Automatic Loads
Automatic calculations for L1 and L2 loads for compression, extension & torsion springs.
Instant Blueprints
Instantly turn your spring design into a working blueprint. Save it to your computer, email it to a client, or print the design for your files.